Mattress Sizes Chart

January 24, 2012 § Leave a comment

Let us tell you a furniture story.  It goes a little something like this:

Customer walks into the store: “I would like to order a California King Bed.”
Real Deal: “Great! I will be happy to order that for you!”
Customer: “That was easy! I’m excited to expect it in 3 weeks”

Two Weeks Later:
Real Deal: “Good news. Your furniture is here early!”
Customer: “That’s fantastic news! Can I get it delivered this weekend?”
Real Deal: “You sure can.”

Day of Delivery:
Real Deal sets up the bed in the room.  “Looks great” the customer responds.  “Can you guys help me put the mattress in?” Real Deal is happy to help but unfortunately the mattress doesn’t fit.

Real Deal: “Sir, your mattress is an Eastern King bed and will not fit in the California King bed frame.”
Customer: “No it must fit! Fit it in!”…….CRACK!  Beautiful new bed is broken.

We tell you this story not to throw our customer under the bus but just as a reminder to always double check what your mattress or bed size is before buying a new mattress or bed frame.  And just as a reference to provide you with a mattress size chart.  I am definitely guilty of it too. Before I started working in the furniture world, I thought California King beds were much larger than normal Eastern King beds and they really aren’t.  They are just longer and actually shorter in width.  Rumor has it, it was actually Arnold Schwarzenegger that invented the California King Bed.  Being so tall, he needed a bed that fit his length and since he was the governor of California, it was called a California King Bed.

Mattress Sizes Chart

Matress Chart

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